Sustainable Swaps

In line with Plastic Free July we’ve compiled a list of our favourite sustainable swaps. You’ll be surprised just how many ways there are to reduce your plastic pollution footprint.

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1. Reusable containers

There are so many great containers on the market. Think stainless steel lunchboxes and bento boxes and glass dishes with wooden lids for leftovers. Bring your jars of all shapes and sizes to your local bulk foods store and see what you can fill them up with. There are silicon bags to replace zip locks and even mesh produce bags to replace the little bags at the supermarket. With so many awesome products out there, you owe it to yourself to try a plastic free alternative.

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2. Swap out the plastic wrap

Beeswax wraps have been available for years. There are a bunch of great companies that make them commercially, but have a look around your local markets and even sites like Etsy to support small businesses and local creators. Better still, try making your own! A newer product out there for you to try would be silicon lids that you can stretch over open bowls or over containers who may have lost their lids.

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3. Toothbrushes are great for you, but not for the environment!

In the USA, 1 billion toothbrushes are discarded annually. Luckily, more and more bright sparks are catching on to the idea of sustainable dental. There are some great companies out there who make toothbrushes with replaceable heads, even some on a subscription service so you never go without. There’s also toothbrushes made of bamboo and natural fibres, there’s biodegradable toothbrushes with replaceable bristles, and even toothpaste that you chew instead of squeezing it out of the tube.

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4. Sustainable beauty is all the rage!

Soap, shampoo and conditioner have gone zero waste. Bar soap has always been easily accessible, but try and find bar soap that is ethical. Better for you and the environment. Shampoo and conditioner are now available in bars rather than bottles! A super easy way to reduce your plastic footprint, you’ll be surprised just how easy these shampoo and conditioner bars are to use. And they’re not hard to find either, just check out your local supermarket or chemist and see what’s readily available! You can also buy in bulk and save. Check out your local bulk foods store and see what products are available besides edible products.

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5. Make ethical cleaning choices.

Paper towel can be composted, this much is true. But what if you could eliminate it completely? What about the chemicals in your cleaning products? Are they doing more harm than good? Ethical cleaning products are now commonplace in supermarkets. It’s never been easier to make a change for the better. Your local bulk foods? Guess what, they just might have cleaning products too. Bring your jars and reusable containers along and see what new concoctions you can bring home to up your cleaning and sustainability game. There are also countless at home cleaning compounds you can whip up using all natural products.

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6. It’s the one you’re probably already doing, so yay for you!

Going plastic free while supermarket shopping is one of the easiest sustainable swaps you can make. Most Australians are already doing this, but we are far behind the rest of the world! Your collection of 15c bags only matter if they are being reused. They’re a favourite if you should forget your own, but try and opt for the canvas bags next time and make a conscious effort every time you buy.

Every small effort counts towards a more sustainable and renewable planet. What changes are you going to make?